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Here you can look for collective agreements and specific contents of such agreements.

Please note the information provided here: Which collective agreement applies in my case?

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  1. relationship (e.g. overtime pay, compensation for travel expenses as well as certain allowances and wage
  2. relationship (e.g. overtime pay, compensation for travel expenses as well as certain allowances and supplements
  3. % • Increase of compensation for expenses by + 7,5 % Minimum wage / minimum salaryEUR 2,406.56(basic category
  4. (Urlaubszuschuss) • Payment of increased compensation for travel expenses
  5. agreement by 8,5 % • Actual wages: 10% max. € 400,00 € • Increase of compensation for expenses by 8,5
  6. the collective agreement by 8.5% • Increase of compensation for expenses by 8.5% • Increase of apprenticeship pay
  7. (Urlaubszuschuss) • Payment of increased compensation for travel expenses
  8. from the employment relationship (e.g. overtime pay, compensation for travel expenses as well
  9. of claimsCompensation for travel expenses must be submitted (invoice) for each past calendar month until the end
  10. . Please note: Expiry of claimsCompensation for travel expenses must be submitted (invoice) for each past