Iron and metal manufacturing and processing industry / Brief overview - 01.11.2023
Iron and metal manufacturing and processing industry / Brief overview
Brief overview of the collective agreement
editorial noteSource: Gewerkschaft PRO-GE
Blue-collar workers / white-collar workers
Blue-collar workers
Applicable in
In force since
1 November 2023
Results of the latest round of negotiations
Increase of wages under the collective agreement by 8.5 %
Increase of actual wages by 10.0 %
Increase of allowances under the collective agreement by 8.5 %
Increase of compensation for expenses by 8.5 %
Increase of apprenticeship pay by
EUR 100.00 (1st year of apprenticeship)
8.5 % (2nd year of apprenticeship)
8.5 % (3rd year of apprenticeship)
8.5 % (4th year of apprenticeship)
Minimum wage / minimum salary
Employee group A (unskilled workers): EUR 2,426.23
Employee group B (semi-skilled workers): EUR 2,426.23
Employee group D (skilled workers): EUR 2,784.29
Apprenticeship pay
1st year of apprenticeship:
EUR 1,000.00
2nd year of apprenticeship:
EUR 1,182.65
3rd year of apprenticeship:
EUR 1,546.13
4th year of apprenticeship:
EUR 2,028.95
Supplements and allowances
Dirt, hardship and hazard allowances, allowances for night and shift work (2nd and 3rd shift), allowances for being away on a job.
Working time
The regular working time is 38.5 hours per week
Supplement for extra hours
: usually 50%, during specified times 100%.
Notice periods
Notice periods
according to the length of the employee’s employment period with the company:
: from one week to six weeks
: from six weeks to five months
Please note: Expiry of claims
Please note that certain claims arising from the employment relationship (e.g. overtime pay, compensation for travel expenses as well as certain allowances and wage supplements) with the employer
lapse within six months
unless asserted orally or in writing (although there are exceptions to this rule).
Other results achieved regarding socio-political aspects